
What a fantastic weekend. Castles, red squirrels, sunshine, fine food and fantastic wines. My liver definitely needs a break.

The cat sitter had been really concerned while we were away as she'd only seen one of the catwalk weekend. The missing one soon came running when i called him. And seemed very proid of the amount of feathers hes scattered round No.1's room. I haven't found the head yet.

One advantage of being out of London for a few days is missing the hysteria about COVID-19. I had to go and get cat food this afternoon, it was carnage! I'm not particularly worried about me. I reckon when you've commuted on trains and buses daily for 30 years your immune system is pretty good but I do have an elderly Aunt, a cousin and other family in Milan so it's getting quite close to home. Plus my father is on immunosuppressents. I probably need to work out a contingency plan in case I need to spend time with them.

The flowers have survived almost two weeks so far.

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