a mouthful

thanks for the responses to the peregrine post last week. The last few days have been quite eventful.  The peregrine saga hit the local news with features on tv, radio, social media and press with lots of people outraged that someone would shoot the majestic peregrine. Unfortunately he died when the vet tried to remove the 2nd shot, it was buried deep and revealed that the shooting had actually happened some time ago. It was the vets view that the bird had flown into something and it may have been due to the effects of lead poisoning.
The story continued and there are reports yesterday and today that a new peregrine has moved in. She is definitely a quick worker. The new bird apparently looks very good and is flying at some amazing speeds to earn his right to stay. 
I unfortunately can't get to see the action and am relying on telephone messages as I recover from my op. Everything went very well and I actually enjoyed watching my own procedure as I was under the effect of an epidural. I was out of hospital on Saturday and can't believe how well I feel today. I thought it took 2 weeks to get to this stage but Im not counting my chickens yet as I keep getting reminded to keep it easy.
Te garden birds are entertaining me, the robin is busy nest building.

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