The story so far...


From right to left and back again

This morning we braved to snow and ventured to baby sensory. I really think this class helps make cam more coordinated and as well as being very good with a shaker (and banging it rather loudly on the living room floor) he can now very swiftly pass it from hand to hand. He really enjoyed today's class and it is great to see him becoming more and more active and join the older babies in the general chaos causing.
In the afternoon we met clem and his mummy and cam enjoyed sharing some of mummy's minty hot chocolate. He is a lot littler then cam and super cute, feels like a long time since cam was that small. However Cameron was preoccupied by ripping apart a plant that was next to us!
After we saw max and his mummy for a quick chat and max showed of lots of his new skills he has learnt. It is great seeing what cam should be doing next and getting advise on how to contain him!

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