
By DrSandy

A ghost from Christmas past

It was the first icing club meeting of the decade...

This was Mom's homework.  Father Christmas serviette holders. 

Yes, they are kind of ugly. 

Despite, starting on them early in the week, it was still a mad scramble, with things being stuck or maybe, I should say, not stuck, at the last minute. 

I arrived home to the chaos, after my usual gym session.

It was chaos.............

The cracker Santas weren't done, she still had to bake savoury mince tarts and write out her Treasure's report.

Committee members are expected to provide the eats, for the first meeting.  EatS with an S, she had to show up, with a sweet and savoury dish.

Let's just say........ WE GOT THERE.  Late ! 

And she, did NOT have a good time. 

All the subscription fees, had to be collected.  There were half a dozen, visitors, who had come, especially because Elizabeth (the chair lady of the Springs branch) was giving a specific demonstration, so additional money, had to be collected from them.  And NOT ONE OF THEM, helped her, to collect ALL THE MONEY !

She is 88 years old.

A 28 year old, would find this, challenging........

I was a little miffed. Icing club is supposed to be FUN, not an afternoon of STRESS.  You would think, one of the twenty odd, women, attending the meeting, could have done SOMETHING to help !

PS.  I did actually ask her, if she wanted me to stay and help.  I obviously didn't want to, stay and help, but I knew, the stress levels, were off the charts. She was writing her Treasure's Report in the car, on the way to the meeting. She said NO.  She was sure, one of the other committee members would help.  Apparently NOT !  REALLY ? 

PSS.  She has tried to resign, from this job, several times, but no one will take on the task.  The attitude is, she does a good job and she has NOTHING else to do.  She has vowed, that this is the last year, she will be keeping the icing club books........ and I do believe, it is.

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