
By LifeLines

Brightness and warmth

Its been a bit of a drab day here - rain all day and one of the roads in the village starting to flood, a  nine mile queue on the way to work, Fly be going into administration and more spread of Coronavirus.

I had a couple of meetings today but then tried to stay in my office and get on with things.  The virus is making people behave differently  - such as keeping doors to offices shut, and we've been given wipes for our computers and phones and sanitising gels are all around the building.  Many of our meetings involving overseas travel are being cancelled, including one for a project I am working on which was due to take place in Italy in April - instead we will set up web based discussions.  

There was mention on the radio as I drove home as to whether this situation will lead to 'de-globalisation'.  An interesting question, particularly given the broader context of climate change and the rise of some populist sentiments in response to globalisation.  Indeed I am sure there will be many lessons to be learned from all of this and I hope a wiser way forward.

So this evening I thought I would bring you this little bowl of immune boosting (homegrown) garlic, ginger and lemon!  Hoping your day has had some brightness and warmth in it.

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