Meet Joe

I'm  too late for the Blip Challenge but today was the first opportunity for me to blip someone at work as it's been a full on few weeks.  Joe is the very helpful young man who advised me about my new laptop this morning, and here he is ordering it from the warehouse.  My old one is held together with Duck tape  and so slow that I have to switch it on and then go away and do other things until it decides to warm up.

From Bradford we drove to Otley and had sausage and mash at the Pantry for lunch then called in for a bag of sunflower hearts at the Blue Barn, shopped at Waitrose and then passed a lovely hour or so at the Bloomsbury Square Cafe with Marie and young Will.  I'd forgotten how much fun three year olds are.

The day has almost been rounded off with a run in the light with Hobbler pals Rickie and Angela.

Positive News
A two year pilot has been carried out on farms in Norfolk, Suffolk and Yorkshire, rewarding farmers for boosting biodiversity on the land and results show that participating farms have produced 43% more seed bearing plants than nearby sites which claim existing subsidies.  The 'payment by results' scheme gives farmers the freedom to choose how they manage their land to improve biodiversity.  Despite this being co-funded by the European Commission, Defra has agreed to extend the pilot by another two and a half years.  A Natural England spokesperson said he has been struck by the 'resourcefulness and passion this pilot has inspired to deliver for nature on working farms.'

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