
By StillLearning

Things break ...

.... they just do. And I wonder what goes with them.

A couple of weeks ago, a small wooden cheese board split in two. It was a Xmas present from a few years back when I was going through a phase. (I think it was the port which made that particular phase attractive!) This piece of wood had memories of Saturday night sophistication with oatcakes, some blue cheese, a spoon of chutney and, to give a nod to well-being, an apple or some other fruit. The sophistication was dimmed only by the rubbish telly which, for some reason, had to be watched.

Today I dropped my tea cup into the sink. The sink won. There is a matching teapot and we bought the set while on a marvellous holiday in Provence. It was part of a morning ritual. Milky tea from the pot to wash down the toast and jam. Then the cup was topped up so that the tea was less milky and could be enjoyed on its own. At that point, work could begin.

The blip is of the casualties brought together for the record. I'll buy another piece of wood and another tea cup.

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