Cookie Boy

Saturday, Clare off but I was committed to a day at the rugby club with my catering hat on. I arrived around 9:30am and started getting everything ready.
The U18’s were on shop supplied pasty’s so I only had to prepare chips to go with them for forty odd youngsters - but - once spectators saw chips on offer I ended up doing around another thirty-five odd portions to sell.
Simultaneously I was making enough mugs of tea and coffee to float a ship and preparing Spanish Chicken for the 1stXV and their opponents, with the substitutes, coaches and assorted ‘hangers on’ around fifty to feed and of course chips to go with it.
All went well, all fed and all enjoyed their food, in true Naval tradition I left the kitchen cleaner and tidier than I found it and finished around 6:30pm, tired, sore feet and aching ankles but I enjoyed it and the thanks of the team in the match day programme was reward enough.
Home for some coffee and TV before setting off in the small wee hours to collect Mrs S + friend from a night out in town.
Friend delivered home to Redruth, Mrs S delivered home.
‘‘Twas a long day.

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