106% Full

Argal Reservoir that is, so the sign told us. Always a popular walk Covid means that these areas are now positively crowded.
After a listless morning Samantha suggested we pull our fingers out and head off, just the two of us as Clare was on an overtime shift.
We like Argal Resevoir, today we had to park on the road as the car parks were full. This meant we set off from the opposite side of the dam to normal.
As I said at the start, the information board told us that when full, Argal Reservoir has a capacity of 1302 mega litres, it is currently over full.
Although Argal and College Reservoirs are joined together by a public footpath we decided on just the Argal circular walk today. It takes you through a variety of different habitats, for example: shoreline, grassland, willow scrub and woodland and although Argal is a very successful and popular coarse fishery we didn’t see many.
Sam was excited at times, the area is home to a variety of bat and bird species, a multitude of fauna and fungi and insect life by the bucket load.
Although the car park was full we saw surprisingly few walkers.

Home for dinner and a catch up on the days Premiership Rugby.

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