
It took me a while to get going this morning (aching joints) but once I did start it was full on.

We’ve had mother in law’s house contents stored for many months but now is the time to decide what we keep and what goes.

14 boxes and 8 large bags shifted from storage to home. Then sifted and ready to be dispersed. I have decided also after 35 years to say farewell to my wall mounted Beaver Tapley teak furniture. It’s like saying goodbye to an old friend.

On the. 3 journeys to and fro I crossed the Braids and in the morning, in glorious sunshine, I saw this view of Craigmillar Castle with North Berwick Law in the distance. The wind and rain which arrived this evening, after some snow flurries, had not yet materialised and while the air was fresh it almost felt springlike.

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