Pussycat On A Leash

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

"Operation: Catwalk" is back in full swing and, as you can see, we had some success. The good thing about Jasper is that, under normal circumstances, he's a pretty laid-back little fellow. So when he expressed an interest in going outside today, and I clipped the collar around his neck and body, he took it pretty well.

I wouldn't say he was COMPLIANT, not exactly. Although he did purr, he thought it was a great game and rolled around, making my life difficult. But finally, like a troublesome toddler, he was all strapped in. We clipped on the leash, opened the door and he was off. 

Understandably, it was all very hesitant at first. For a while, he stuck to the deck, as he has never put his paws on grass before. But after ten minutes he was exploring all corners and we couldn't get him back in. That's all right. I sat out there with him for half an hour will he schnuppered around. Then Caro decided to do some gardening and he hung out with her.



I am as surprised as you are. Earlier this week, a pair of up-to-the-elbow gardening gloves arrived alongside a pair of pink secateurs. I may have made one or two or a dozen "Margo Leadbetter" references.

So the pair of them had a  nice afternoon and Jasper claimed his territory. Punky could not be tempted. I showed him Jasper going outside in his bondage gear, but Punky resisted the collar, even though Jasper was proudly parading around the living room in his.

I'll win Punky over eventually.

And so here is today's song, which I hope has you dancing around the kitchen. I'm sure you'll agree it is very groovy.

As for me, I also got out and about today. I puttered over to Coastlands shopping mall to go to the cinema. I'd been hearing very good things about The Invisible Man and it lived up to them. It's a very tense thriller with elements of horror that will make you cheer when Elisabeth Moss starts fighting back. 

Then I checked out the neighbourhood a bit more and got noodles for Caro on my way home.

So a successful day all around. Now it is Sunday morning and I'm sure himself will be wanting his walk soon. I'd best put the kettle on.


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