All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Wicker Man

After my "Men in Black" blip yesterday, it's tempting to continue with the movie theme and start writing a horror story based around my visit this morning to Dobbies Garden Centre. But perhaps that's pushing the boundaries of imagination slightly too far!

It's my day off today so I met up with a friend and her 4 month old cutie pie baby for cakes & tea. I've not been to the restaurant at Dobbies for ages and what a makeover it has had since I was last there. Very impressive!

Bit of a come down though as I followed it up with my first visit to the dentist in 3 years for a long overdue check-up. Luckily he declared my teeth pretty much healthy but booked me in for a scale & polish and some fissure sealant (had that done as a child - didn't realise would ever need re-done as an adult)! Could be worse I guess!

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