Pure Magic

It is magic in my eyes to turn a Fairisle beanie into a beret with only a dinner plate as an accessory. I should possibly get out more.

But out I did get this morning to deliver 16 knitted chickens with Creme eggs stuffed up their behinds to Maggie’s. 10 of them looked like the coop rebels and reprobates as they met the other chicks already nestled in baskets there.

In the bus home I met a friend who persuaded me to go with her for a coffee and half a scone. It was a serendipitous meeting as it is her birthday on Monday and I had been thinking about her in the morning wondering when to post her birthday card. We had a lovely catch up.

The sunshine today was beautiful to behold, but the wind came straight of the Arctic. I am developing hat hair with all this wearing of beanies to stop my head freezing.
Despite the spring like sunshine, it has been rumoured that we’re in for another blast of bad weather this week end.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away!

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