Shoe sucking

A trip to reputedly the hardest Parkrun in London today, to support Himself doing his 150th run, and his 100th at his home location (which used to be mine until a flatter one started up equidistance away and I defected). He got his name called out by the RD and everything while I manged to be both first in my age group and get my second slowest time ever! The mud in places was shoe suckingly deep and the wind on the downhill bits was still managing to blow you backwards.

Back to make some bread, something which is becoming a bit of a Saturday routine, at least while it's too wet to go allotmenting. This weeks wholemeal pumpkin seed loaf was better than last weeks plain loaf but still didn't go quite as planned. It tasted good though and looks aren't everything.

I'm pulling on my Italian relatives now, although 'we' aren't doing very well (and Scotland aren't playing that well either), then probably out for a curry later.

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