I've heard of EB but this ....

...... is just ridiculous!!
This morning "A" went for his shower only to open the door and it just fell into his hands. Bless him he was only worried about me , saying, " I'm so glad it wasn't you ." As you can see from the blip the top bracket has just sheered off. But like most things these days it seems to have been put together and unable to remove the offending bracket , so to get a replacement is nigh impossible. Maybe have to get a new door completely??
The only good thing is that no one is hurt, and I can cope for the time being. Haven't a clue what make it is!! Hey ho, could be worse?
The rain is still doing its worst and the wind is accompanying it. Another storm is on its way so they say, batten down the hatches folks .
As I feel " rubbish" today I could have done without all the hassle , still that's life, ( get up, put up and shut up!) that's what they say. So guess that's what I'll do .
Keep dry/ warm and cosy folks.

Grateful ..... to have "A" here to rescue the " shower door " and secure the fence .

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