
By rower2012

Last day in the library

Today is the last day of work for the 2 guys clearing and sorting out the books in our library. It is the 5th day they have been here over the period from 14th January till today the 22nd. On Friday the truck will come to take away all of the boxes the dealer's premises.

I just asked the dealer and his assistant how many boxes there will be in total and they said in excess of 160. I asked if they would mind me doing a few informal shots of them at work, and naturally they did not mind at all. This is the view looking in the opposite direction to the previous library blip.

What has taken so long is checking each book, cataloging it, and grouping it with others or extracting it for the special price catalog and so on. Some were being checked out on the internet to check on rarity or otherwise.

Finally on Friday three quarters of the boxes will need to be carried downstairs from the main library area to the front door for loading. We are ever so relieved that we are not doing all of this work, and packing and carrying which would be the case should we move house one day.

Even more boxes.

What on earth are we going to do with all this space!!!! The remaining books of course, stored in other parts of the house. See the start of this story in my library blip of 13th January.

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