I live in a 'new town' and although it is a great place to live, with lots to do and a lot of amenities, it is perhaps not as scenic as some of our older towns and villages.
I was a bit pushed for a blip today and decided to show two of the buildings in the town, the first is the National Farm Museum of Scotland which is interesting to country people as it has lots of farm machinery and memorabilia of farming life. It is also connected by a farm road to a farm which is run on 1950's lines, never having been modernised and left to the country in the wills of the farmers who owned it but who had no offspring. It also has some history of covenanting, as this was a covenanting area in the days of the old village.
The bottom photo is of the newest part of our huge indoor town centre, which is a great place to go on a wet, windy and cold day, of which we get a lot.
I was at our Wednesday Girls' coffee morning this morning, and it was nice to see everyone. Since we no longer walk, we meet for coffee and a blether.
And in the afternoon at the hospital as the HG had a cardiology appointment.
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