Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Flying Lessons, three stages

After yesterday's successes in writing, (thanks are also due to my dear husband who complimented me on my low tech tablet skills!!), today I was working on flying!
Jumping is a really difficult thing to do particularly for children who have any degree of mobility or balance issues, so we had fun helping as you can see. The young man at the end is flying really high independently, I'm sure he'll have his pilots licence soon, lol. Until then he'll continue to represent the school very well at interstate level sports meets competing at long jump. Considering the lack of facilities and equipment they do really well.
School today, as you'll have gathered! Seriously though, in spite of my first paragraph, its lovely to see the children having so much more physical exercise than in the past. They're so good at encouraging each other and being proud of their own and their friends' achievements too.
I had a lovely moment when one of the classroom staff brought me a rose from her garden for my hair. The scent was wonderful. It's very much a Tamil tradition to wear flowers in your hair - if you're a woman - long stands of highly scented woven strings of white jasmine, roses and sometimes marigolds too. They look beautiful against the Indian ladies' thick black hair. A little dull against my blond crop though, see extra
Steps today 11000, but I was very hot so I'm happy with that, it's still the best part of 5 miles.

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