Piano Seen Better Days

Storm Dennis has been blowing gales all day.  It was a dry morning, and fairly sunny.  After lunch, the torrential rain started, and rained all night.

It was a great night last night, and a good breakfast at Busta this morning.  Packed up and checked out by 10am.  We headed north for a run after leaving.  Got back to Scalloway by 12 noon, and popped along Madeline's for a cuppa.  Thankfully I managed a good walk with Sammy, before the rain started.  I got into the garden shed for a bit, potting up tree seeds.  The rest of the day has been spent watching telly.  A lazy evening too.

Stopped off at the Hillswick shop for some fuel, and a stretch of the legs.  As I walked around, this old piano kept catching my eye.  It certainly has seen better days, and don't think it will ever play a tune again.  It does make a lovely rustic feature, along with the old buildings.  The booth behind, was Shetland's oldest pub, dating from the 17th century, until it's closure in the 1990s.  Taken at Hillswick, Northmavine.  

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