Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Andrew Harrison

Andrew Harrison must’ve been a part of my life for something like 30 years, but today was the first time I actually met him!

Being both a nerdy music fan and an avid reader, I’ve devoured a LOT of music magazines over the years, and Andrew has worked for, or edited, most of them. He was the editor at Select during the Britpop years, and he’s also edited Q and was the Associate Editor at the much-loved, and still much-lamented (here at Booknerd Towers, at least!), Word magazine, where he coined the term ‘landfill indie’.

For the past 4 years I’ve subscribed to the weekly pop culture podcast Bigmouth, which he hosts alongside author, illustrator and former Smash Hits and Select alumnus Siân Pattenden. This week’s show includes discussions on ‘Parasite’, Gil Scott-Heron and the new ‘C90’ compilation from Cherry Red Records 

For the past 3 years I’ve also subscribed to the anti-Brexit podcast Remainiacs, which Andrew produces and sometimes hosts, and which has been a major source of entertainment, information and comfort to me in these ‘difficult’ times. I’m pleased to say that it’s continuing, post-Brexit, and will be keeping a close eye on how the whole thing pans out.

Today, he was back in his home city of Liverpool to host a live recording of Remainiacs (coming soon to your favourite podcast platform) alongside podcast regulars Ian Dunt (Editor at and Ros Taylor (Managing Editor of the LSE Brexit Blog), and guests Michael Dougan (Professor of European Law at The University of Liverpool) and Liam Thorp (Political Editor at The Liverpool Echo). 

As usual, it was an entertainingly erudite discussion, with plenty of laughs along the way. Plus the usual dose of swearing from the ever-profane Ian Dunt! 

In the past few weeks Andrew’s also launched The Bunker podcast, which aims to cover non-Brexit-related aspects of British politics. Although, as pretty much everything is related to Brexit in some way, they’ve set themselves quite a task! 

Needless to say, all three of the podcasts mentioned above come highly recommended by your correspondent.

Today’s tune just has to be by one of Andrew’s favourite bands; arch ironists and national treasures, the Pet Shop Boys. From last year’s ‘Agenda’ EP, here’s the extremely apt ‘Give Stupidity a Chance’  

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