
Another busy week. Thursday evening two of us addressed full council meeting with a campaign-related question.  Fobbed off with stock reply from ruling Labour but applauded by LibDem opposition. A few more questions from diverse members of public on: saving a pub, and fair rent for NHS workers then a complete change of tone.
A member of Extinction Rebellion came up to the microphone delivered a speech then proceeded to walk over tables to the centre of the room where other XR were seated and the drumming on tables and chanting began,  meanwhile another XR member climbed over the gallery balcony and proceeded to abseil part way down and suspended herself there.
The Mayor couldn't achieve order, we and councillors left and later learned on social media via a journalist present that police were called. That event made the local press, hitting several pages. 
Our question was tweeted and retweeted.  It wasn't in vain.
Friday had a campaign free day, went to market then the cinema to see Emma which was a very pleasant diversion. 
Main blip lighting on leaving the shopping centre.
Extra: goodbye 107 year old tree welcome young one. Its got a very long way to go.

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