A Clock That Doesn't Tell The Time

A while back we bought two 'dementia clocks' for the FIL as he was having difficulties remembering whether it was morning or afternoon. He really liked them, but every time we visited the one in his bedroom was not working. A simple reset fixed it and we were convinced he kept fiddling with it (he has a tendency to mess quite successfully with everything) but to humour him I took it away and said I would check it out. I set it up in our dining room and it seemed to work perfectly for a couple of weeks and then the display stopped working. I reset it and it started working again, but today, just in time for Silly Saturday, the time display has disappeared. So we owe the FIL an apology, the clock is definitely faulty.

As an aside, when the mental health nurse visited him last month to carry out a capacity assessment he refused to co-operate, especially for the memory tests. When asked if he knew what today's date was he said he didn't need to remember that any more because his SIL had bought him this brilliant clock which he just had to look at if he wanted to know the date.

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