From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

At Last! Wild Times at the Shed!

This morning, I put my camera around my neck as I started work so I'd be ready for action at all times if anything exciting happened. Mercifully, no one rang the doorbell in the morning as they'd have thought I was weird and scary if I answered the door looking like a tourist answering my own front door.

I was virtually doing cartwheels just before lunchtime! After almost a week with the birds turning their noses (do birds have noses?) up at my bird feeder and bits of bread, I was thrilled to spot a bit of excitement when I went to the kitchen for a cuppa. A robin and a couple of other little birds were having a bit of a party! I sat down on my kitchen stool taking picture after picture and they didn't mind at at all. At one stage I thought they had all gone away but then a little movement caught my eye and two if them were sat on the window sill peering in at me probably wondering why I was taking pictures of the shed!

I'm no bird expert by any stretch of the imagination but I knew these weren't seagulls or pigeons! I tweeted (don't laugh!) a picture asking what they were and was told by a couple of my Edinburgh pals that they were Great Tits. Well, I was most surprised and after double checking I'd sent the right picture - I'm kidding!!!! - and then looking at the RSPB bird information I'd been sent, I was happy to agree.

I was delighted!

Track? Yes, I know I've done this before but I just love this Stevie Ray Vaughan version of a beautiful Jimi Hendrix song - Little Wing

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