Chasing the light

By roseatkinson

Ice drop

Having decided to make the journey into London today I was thwarted in the end. Trains were 'subject to delays' but apparently running. The main problem is we live 6 miles from the station. Hubby said he would get up early (no mean feat as he's retired and doesn't rise till 9am LOL!) and give me a lift in the 4x4. However, the battery in tne Rav4 has been iffy for the last few days and it was completely flat this morning. I decided to walk to the bus stop - but met a neighbour coming back who said his bus had been terminated. So... I'm working at home again.

Saw this wonderful icicle dripping from the awning outside the lounge.

UPDATE: The icicle has been melting and elongating all morning. Here's another shot of it taken at lunchtime... do you see a footballer ? LOL

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