Looking in ....Sitting at breakfast this morning
pondering over any options/ideas for today's Monday Monday challenge. This was the best of the bunch after snapping a few different ideas. I love cooking so am always interested in what I might find. The knife sharpener being one of them. I use a carborundum. Cheap as chips in the local hardware store. My Dad used a butchers steel, and had a very well worn carborundum too. The can opener is a gadget that I struggle with occasionally, being cack handed, but during a stay looking after Ella I found a can opener that seemed to work perfectly for me, the Culinare Easican. Well it worked perfectly when I was down there, but having bought one I still have problems. I think I overthink it, then I can't for the life of me get it to connect, let alone remove the rim. The whisk heads were used later, when I knocked up a quick chocolate cake, as you do. :- )
Bob came with Lola & I on our morning bimble, he's a bit low to the ground for our normal route across the heath land, him being a Jack Russell, gorse and all that :- (, so we did a decent lap avoiding large muddy puddles. Just got back and then the heavens opened, & so it continued on & off all day. I forgot to mention my problem with the whirlygig/rotary washing line. I stupidly hung one of Lola's woven ball thingies on the line after giving it a wash the other day. Turned my back faffing with something else when I heard something snap. Looked around, Lola had jumped up, grabbed the "toy" off the point of the whirlygig causing the metal upright to snap. I thought I had repaired it, storm Ciara put paid to that, I attempted to fix it once more this morning to hang the freshly washed dog towels out ... waste of time. Then it rained again so I've now given up on that DIY job.
Cake baking weather .. I found a loose bottom tin, already know where the electric whisk heads were, just needed to find the body. Tick! Got everything required bar greaseproof paper to line the tin ...I'll do without.
Next "To Do" on my list .. go through the many folders on my external hard drive, but first I did a disc defrag & system something .. the word escapes me, which is a bit of a clue to how often I do this. I actually cannot remember the last time I did this but i think you are supposed to do it quite regularly. Nothing went bang, so I'll take that as a success. Now on with the folders. It's going to take me a while ... I have saved photos that really are'nt worth saving, so lots of delete - delete - delete. Then there was quite a lot of browsing. Gosh, I've got some great memories on here, going back to 2002. Today's blip was so nearly a blast from the past with a twist, but I've saved it for Silly Saturday. A list of plants is forming from a folder of pics I took during a visit to Wildside, a beautiful garden at Yelverton, on the edge of Dartmoor. Sourcing them might be a tad more difficult.
It's come to me .... System configuration :- )
Easy dinner for one tonight ... leek & potato soup, a freezer dip with a drizzle of double cream & crispy smoked bacon bits on top. Yum! Followed by, you've guessed it .. Swedish sticky chocolate cake, with a drizzle of double cream.
Quite a productive day.
Thanks to 60plus for stepping up to the plate, taking over from SueMiddleton who set the challenges, when she needed to be elsewhere.
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