Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sea of green!

Today's picture is back at The Lonely Planet restaurant which has this beautiful pond beside it. I've blipped it before because it is a positive magnet for wildlife. I watched a couple of crows seeing of an enormous eagle this afternoon. In amongst the lovely reflections, you'll spot a pond heron admiring itself and waiting for a suitable moment to grab its lunch. I tried for ages to get the kingfisher again but it wasn't playing ball.
I swam this morning in the sea and the pool then after a quick change went for a walk across the other beach and up to the post office. I then walked up and around the top road and back down into Kovalam. Only a mile and a half, but it was hot, 36 degrees! After a fresh lime soda in the Lonely Planet, and a seat in the shade under a fan, I went for an ayurvedic massage, very nice it was too.
Back for another swim at the hotel as the sun went down then it was time to get ready to go for dinner with Chris and Paula who I have met here a couple of times before. We had a lovely shared meal in the Sunset restaurant, I hadn't been before but I think I'll go again.
Only 9000 steps today, this is my last night in Kovalam I'm off to Tirunelveli tomorrow. It'll be lovely to meet up with everybody there.
Thank you everyone for your kind comments and stars. I do read them and appreciate them but as the Internet here is not always as great as it could be I don't often get the chance to respond. Thank you though, very much, they are appreciated.

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