
Arrived very late into Aylesbury, a convenient overnight enroute to delivering a course.
However it was lovely this morning so I had a wander and was overjoyed to find this and then learn about the town's connection to, pride in and love of David Bowie. He premiered both Hunky Dory and Ziggy in a venue in Aylesbury.
We overuse so many words now, but Bowie really was the real deal. Genius, Innovator, Icon. He made music thats touched me in every decade of my life, there can't have been a week go by where his music hasn't lifted me.

Philosophy Friday
If you feel comfortable in the area you're working in you're not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you're capable of being in.
Go a little out of your depth.
And when you're in a place where you feel your feet just can't touch the bottom, then you're probably in the right place to do something exciting.
David Bowie

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