Sweet dreams!

It was a special day!

Cloudy day, but there wasn't meant to be snowing today. So I carried all blankets and pillows outdoor in the morning to fresh a little in cool (-8) freezing air.

And went then for a walk. This is the special part of this day, because some one or two birds sung in the woods - first outdoor birdsong since last July. Maybe they really can 'smell' the becoming spring already in the air... normally they begin singing a bit later maybe. I think it was a great tit, though it did not sing the whole 'ti-ti-tyy', only 'ti,ti'. Maybe I was too frightening creature :)

The photo is from the yard: Now in the evening as I was preparing the beds for night, I found all the pillows and blankets outdoors covered by crystals of snow, as you can see. ;)

The dreams are for sure sweet now!

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