Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Walesby Church

I've spent a bit of time behind closed doors recently, so I felt it prudent to get up and out this morning to explore the wonderful area of Lincolnshire I live in. Explore probably isn't the right word: I went somewhere I've been before, Walesby.

The view can't really be done justice on a misty day like today, but the surrounding fields looked beautiful. I toyed with a shot of a tree I took because it reminded me a little of myself. It was stood all alone in the field gazing out across a snow sprinkled Lincolnshire looking cold and a little alone. However this shot of the church won over. I tried to think about composition as well, using the hedgerow to try and create a leading line.

In other news the remainder of the day shall follow a similar timetable to that of the last two weeks. I shall at some point play FIFA 13 and Far Cry 3 before listening to some King Blues or Tim Armstrong and watching low quality TV I'd do better to avoid.

There will be a break for a phone call later this evening to add a little social spice to my isolated and yet safe existence.

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