Who knew?

By InOtherNews

The Workers

I set Kirky and 'Dad' Tim to work in the yard. I do well working with these guys, I've known both for a number of years. Working with 'Dad' as I call him is great, we go waaaaay back. I regretably missed his wedding many years ago whilst living through my more turbulent social habits. He's on the left wearing the mock mohican woolen cap. I remember once we decided to race back to a party from the pub by taking different routes through town. He got back in fifteen minutes, but I fell asleep in a park causing panic. Kirky (on the right) is due to become a father for the first time any day now, and is someone who has helped me through the very toughest of times time and time again.

Today they are my bitches, clearing snow whilst I drink tea near a radiator. It's funny what life throws at you sometimes.

I've be bemoaning my lack of friends recently, I've fallen out with many whom I always felt I was close to. However this picture (and a visit yesterday from my buddy Fish, completely unexpected) proves that although the numbers aren't there, perhaps I'm under estimating those that I do have.

I think I have all the people in my life I need right now. Nobody is leaving my life in the near future, and I don't envisage anyone entering it.

In other news not much is happening. I'll be spending the rest of the weekend warming my armchair whilst being warmed by my intermittent electric heater. My radiator works but the heat travels about two inches before it is consumed by the remain 1000 cubic feet of cold air in the rest of the room

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