Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A wee visitor

JR went off to her two gym sessions, then off to check out local venues for a birthday party with her gym pals.

Robert took Archie out, and I did my bike, then I watched the Thiem/Zvererv match. I was so engrossed in that, that I forgot to check my diary - I was intending going up to watch wee Isobel in the swimming pool (she's there every Friday). And when I did remember, it was too late, and anyway, Robert was due back any time.

But Jordan and Isobel popped in after their swim. And Robert and a very muddy Archie arrived at the same time. It was all go!

After all that excitement, I washed Archie, then had a shower, and just happened to check my calendar for my afternoon appointment at the physio. No, it was not afternoon, but 1pm... one minute to go! JR drove me, so I was only two minutes late.

I did do more steps than yesterday, but not really much to shout about (1,745/2,256), says she, shouting...

And I won’t mention Brexit...

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