Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

The Moor Road

As it is nearly Christmas, the weather isn't very good. It is very windy and cold, so I head out into the wind along the Seafield Moor Road, through Pencuik, then on to the Moor Road to West Linton. It's all a bit drizzly and cold. Just after Deepsyke Forest, and fed up with the rain, I head towards Whitmuir. More murkiness. Then it's along the A701 towards Romannobridge. The sun comes out as I head up the Bogsbank Road. I stop to take the Extra of the Highland Cows.

From here I head home up the hill , then along to West Linton. the sowers are heading east, and the sun has come out. A nice ride home as I am blown up on to the Moor Road. I stop to take a couple of shot just after passing through Deepsyke Forest, to take a few shots of the Moor Road. It's doesn't take long, wind assisted, to get home from here.

The ride can be seen at Relive here.

A quick trip down to Morningside in the afternoon. Pick up a few things for Christmas day and visit the charity shops.

In the evening is the last getting ready for work on Monday of 2019.

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