Days of Thankfulness

By kirstysee

I am thankful for birthday parties.
Susan blowing out her candles for her 40th

Some people don't like celebrating their birthday. I get it - growing older isn't always easy or some people don't like the attention.

I, on the other hand, am a big fan of birthdays. I think it's really important to celebrate someone on their birthday. To tell them, "I am so glad you were born and so blessed to have you in my life". Like I am to have Susan in mine.

I also love celebrating my own birthday. I had chronic asthma as a child and a weak immune system. For a while there, we were a bit worried I wouldn't see adulthood. So I love celebrating each year that I am alive and sharing this joy with the people I love.

Plus, everyone gets to each cake.
So I think birthday parties rock.

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