
My goodness but today has been a slow, unhurried day - right up until quarter to six when we figured if we didn't get going we'd miss the sweet spot with the boys sleeping!!

Car/Tardis packed, only one thing broken, Bear practically hopping with excitement at seeing his car seat in the hall (the only time he gets in his carseat before it goes in the car is if I'm going to be sat next to him - which means milk on demand! Canny boy) when he wasn't systematically unpacking my packing, Bean ready to go to sleep in the car.

We had a bit of a competition as to whose car dinner was the healthiest: Bean and Bear had chocolate spread sandwiches, chocolate buttons, chocolate muffin and lots of chocolate icing, and most of a banana between them. Oh and juice / milk. I had chocolate spread sandwich leftovers, chocolate muffin (no icing), hot dog pizza rolls (NEED to make them at home!), mince pies, and chocolate pecans. Steve bought wine gums, jelly babies, a mars bar, and ribena to go with his hot dog rolls. I think Charley wins actually. He had milk AND banana...

This morning Bean was funny. We were looking out of our window at the house opposite. He said, "I haven't seen Frances in ages mummy. She's my girl-friend." We talked. Apparently there is a little girl lives in that house and Bean has decided she's called Frances. I've not seen her but mum says there is indeed a little girl over there! Bean said, "Look there's her mummy," pointing to the lady making breakfast in the kitchen... *sigh* Unrequited love at four years old.

Bear has been climbing into the sleds a lot today. I think he enjoyed yesterday's sledrides!!

I did an illustration for mum to say thankyou for looking after us for such a long time, it's amazing how much you can get done when there are other people doing the cooking and childcare!!! Loved having the chance to draw. And it's a one-of-a-kind original which makes me happy, Bean's fingerpainted masterpiece from last week with my illustration over the top. Happy!

And we had a surprise visit from another old friend, Simon, plus his beautifully re-painted bass guitar for me to drool over :) Ahhhhh one of these days I'll have the space, time and money to have a guitar of my own.... Good times, to have the chance for a chat, for the boys to meet him (and decide he's a good egg) and play with him, to catch up. Been a loooong time since he and Steve have caught up!

And so the boys are fast asleep having had a supremely healthy car dinner treat, and we'll hopefully be home before midnight. The house, I am warned, is a state; but I can make a start on it in the morning. I'm not planning on going to church, I'm not feeling well and would rather get started on tidying up and getting straight. And easing back into home life again.

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