Giving this a go...

By Debiives


'we're going to watch rugby union today' I thought to myself. 'What sort of shot could I try and get that would be different to my many rugby league shots? Oh I know, a lineout. I'll try and get a half decent lineout shot.'

First lineout of the game and the only one where both teams jumped up together like this and I got it. Happy Me!

It was London Scottish v Gala. Unfortunately for the Gala fans who came down their team didn't even score a point! Apart from not being able to feel out feet we enjoyed it though. And what a great job the fans did getting the pitch cleared of snow.

Cameron and I did parkrun this morning too. Wasn't fast obviously but really good fun. And C was delighted to get his highest ever finish position and 2nd in his age group. And as his age group is under 14s and he's 6 that's pretty impressive! clearly all the 11, 12, 13 year olds are wimps and didn't want to run in the snow
Good photo of him running Cameron

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