Friday Foto

By drmackem


The miseducation of......

A Photo
Dog Tired (a happy tired).

A Poem

Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself
to this world
so worth of rescue.
By Martha Posslethwaite

A Tune
Years ago I read a book about the making of Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, then listened to the album, not the usual order of encountering music.
A little less than years ago, I found myself going to New York and I love to stand in cities from time to time with a tune on my headphones and experience them both, it's like it the music becomes architecture and the architecture becomes music, all with a different resonating in me than either alone. I knew arriving  in the Big Apple the tune and the place.
At the bottom of Manhattan Island, looking out towards Ellis Island and Liberty with the night sky moving in and the lights of the city coming on, So What.

So What by Miles Davis

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