Narnia x

Well we cancelled the pantomime. It was hard but we would have needed parents to drop their children to us at three, return at seven to see the performance and leave at nine. It all seemed a bit dangerous. The main roads are pretty good, side roads passable and underfoot its quite slippy but with more snow a possibility and continued ice it seemed wrong to continue. The overall response was " good " "right decision" "thank you"

Have had a quiet day. My mom came up and I walked to the local nature reserve to take a few shots. I liked this one. Again straight out of the camera other than a small crop on the right hand side.

Came home and we all went and had a play in the snow and then came in very cold.

DS2 put two words together and said " Look Mom" and categorically did not like snow when he fell in it face first.

Have started feeding the birds after a very long break. We have all really enjoyed it. The tits arrived today, blue, great and very excitingly coal!!!!

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