The Monday of Contentment

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It is not often one gets the chance to enjoy a Monday, but today was Wellington Anniversary day.

New Zealand has these weird holidays per city that rotate around. Next week it is Auckland's turn I think. The OCD developer in me thinks this is VERY DISORGANISED.

Sort yourself out, New Zealand.

All the same, I enjoyed a quiet day with cats and Caro very much. The look on Jasper's face expresses how I felt about this Monday.

I did very little today, but did have another lovely conversation with the lovely Princess Normal. Time always zooms when we are chatting Princess, and it was lovely to get to see right up your nose for about a half-second before you showed me your doggie, rolling about on the lawn.

No-one can make me laugh like you, Princess. Even if it was at the expense of your mum. Those eyelashes looked SO real...


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