Me and Him
A very lazy start to the day finally saw us get out of bed at ten.
Sausage sandwiches, snow ball fight on the dog walk and a fire in the snug.
I'm chilled to the bone so this afternoon we are doing little. It's novel having had Si at home the last few Saturdays. I really should do a food shop but, to be fair, we won't starve, it can wait till next week :)
Off to a wedding reception tonight.......contemplating driving so we don't have a snowy walk home (I'm thinking I don't want to wreck my heels in the snow - good excuse to buy some new going out smarter boots is what I'm really thinking!). I'd rather be on the sofa in my onesie if I'm honest (unsociable mare that I am)
Any how, have a good night whatever you're doing x
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