A place in time

By Verbosa

Blue Monday

So, what did I do today?  I got off to a good start by trying out my Yoga app first thing in the morning.  It was only two very short beginner routines, but sensible to go back slowly as I wasn't able to do any yoga for a few months after fracturing the bone in my foot. 

In the spirit of the New Year and getting one’s life in order and decluttering, I’ve also got a new app called…(wait for it, you’ll love this) Toss.  Ha ha ha.  Well, my intentions are good and I'll let you know how I get on with it.

Anyway, after lunch (and a few chapters of my current book – tee hee) I walked round to Tesco to buy just a couple of bags of groceries to get some exercise, rather than buying a full shop either by car or online.  While I was there, I was chuffed that I managed to pick up a copy of Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s latest book at a very good price, so win-win, eh?  I feel you can trust a doctor who looks after himself like that.

It’s supposed to be Blue Monday today and my book cover is blue…so here is a little video from 2011 to cheer you up:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=62&v=tmPgKe0E7-k&feature=emb_logo

Did it work?  It makes me smile every time

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