Taking it easy

After yesterday's big, long, walk; today we took it easy because Ann was tired. This morning I had a 40 min trek around the streets on my lead. And then this afternoon I went up Blackford Hill for a play.

Normally when I go up Blackford Hill we walk there and back which takes about an hour and a half. Today we went in the car because Ann was tired and I ran around for about 45 mins. It was very cold and windy at the top of the hill but I didn't care because I found a stick and I zoomed around with it for ages.

When we got home we both just chillaxed and caught up on a bit of TV because Ann was tired.

And tonight, we're staying in, watching 'soaps' and doing more chillaxing because Ann is tired.

…..........................Here's hoping Ann will have more energy tomorrow??!!

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