
Thanks for the reactions to yesterday's photo of Django. I discovered today that I'd taken it with the "portrait" mode on my phone, so did some experiments today when I walked Django in the Estate. It tries to identify the subject and then puts everything else into soft focus. It stores the before and after photos, so I have the original if the outcome isn't what was desired. However, when I was too close to the subject, some of it was lost, and I preferred my "natural" soft focus. Further away, and there was no natural soft focus, but the software split the image as I wanted, and softened the background [see extra].

Although one shouldn't change photo in Blip, I couldn't resist when I captured the sunset. Hard to choose the best, as they range from this one to the second extra. Ironically, I had to get out my compact camera to have the manual control and optical zoom to get decent shots! 

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