
By Icarus59


This building sits on Cadogan Street in Glasgow and i just love the colour and shape of it , dont ask me what kind of work goes on in it as i havnt a clue.
Daughter is going out tonight and i have been voluntered to go and pick her and her friend up at 3am . When i say voluntered i meen pressganged.
Maybe tomorrows blip will be of her and her friend crawling out of the Arches nightclub on all fours , i can feel a bit of blackmail coming on so i wont post anything to horrific , its either that or my bloodshot eyes . You can choose.
As for yesterday , Friday the 13th , things went from great to blindingly brilliant when i ended up in one of my most favourite places in the world with people i owe a lot to. The staff of Infinite Ink in Hamilton have , over the last 2 years , been a rock to me ( i didnt want to disturb you while you were working Stealthbadger but i take it hubby has told you what has happened) and i popped in to say a big thank you for the help and advice they have given me.
If your little sis comes home pissed tonight Shortstack i may be forced to post compromising pic of her so be warned , and a big thank you to you also for what you have done. No hurdle is to big that it cant be climbed and no problem that difficult it cant be solved

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