Park Run...

... and I was part of it! My first, and at last I have taken up this challenge and joined a community of runners, joggers and walkers on a Saturday morning. I have to say I was very happy on my walk home afterwards. I didn’t run the whole 5K, taking breaks for walking now and again, but not bad I reckon...! The gorgeous morning sunshine was a real encouragement. I almost forgot to capture the occasion and took this after I left the finish.

This afternoon we went with friends to see Beautiful the Carol King musical. Our second time and we enjoyed it just as much as the first time. Our Turkish meal afterwards was good too, and I have heard news from GadgetKid of another great day for our friends visiting Dubai. Of course, they are being really well looked after.

My extra was sent to us today. Esmée wishing us a happy weekend... Next Friday she will be one year old. How come??

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