For Sale - Christie's Garage

More gales again, getting fed up with it now!  It was a sunny morning, clouded over in the afternoon, and showers the rest of the day. 

Another quiet day working on the museum desk.  Been down to mam's this evening, and both sisters Julie and Laura were there, and nieces Elise and Anna.  Off to a 30th birthday party tonight, but a quiet one for me, working in the morning .

Open the Shetland Times today, and saw an ad saying Christie's Garage for sale, due to retirement.  I haven't spoken with uncle Leonard, but it's looking like an end of an era.  The building was originally a smiddy, last blacksmith was Gerald Murray.  Peter Barclay fitted it out as a butchers in 1960, closing in 1970, then became a shop.  Turned into a garage in the 80s, by Ivan Robertson, and then uncle Leonard bought it in the late 80s.  What will it be next? An art gallery, or fancy cafe? Perfect location for a new business, but also got great trade as a garage.  There's never a quiet moment, always someone or more in for a yarn.  Christie's Garage, Central, Sandwick.  

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