A place in time

By Verbosa


Middle Aged Men In Lycra

Well, this was the card Mr A's sister gave him for his birthday...and I did chuckle!  In fact, I like the card so much I intend to frame it (as you do) and hang it over his desk (tee hee). 

But today...oh dear.  Raining all day with blustery winds (again) which was not conducive to walking into town, so I've just pottered about indoors today and that suited me just fine.  I've very much a "home bird", being very content to bimble about the house.  Mind you, I have got quite a bit of online paperwork in order, made some more flapjack and granola, and got busy around the house with my latest homemade cleaner.  This time I've gone for the surgical spirits based one and it has been a blast for cleaning granite (what it was intended for) plus also all the mirrors & glass-fronted pictures/clocks  around the house with another window to boot.  I'm not even sure Mr A has noticed yet as he hasn't complained about the smell, so all's good :)

In case you're interested, this is the recipe for today (only a small batch in case I didn't like it):

25ml surgical spirits
150ml softened water
2 drops of washing-up liquid
a few drops of essential oil

As before, all shook up in the old spray bottle.  Sorted!

Thought for the day:

"Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life."  (Wayne W Dyer)

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