Plus ça change...

By SooB

Small World

Our world got a little bit smaller today when, at about 2pm, I broke the internet. Well, ok, so I broke our internet. Thus no internet access for a day.

That aside, we were up early willing the rain to stop for our delivery of wood and plasterboard. For the those unitiated into the ways and moods of plasterboard - if it gets at all wet, it is ruined. So the pouring rain was a problem. Happily, when it arrived the rain had eased slightly and the lovely delivery man helped Mr B carry it inside. I can carry one sheet with Mr B, and would have a go at two at once, but three at once (they were wrapped up in plastic - no option to unwrap them in the rain) was a non-starter.

So now my lovely hallway is a lumber yard again... And tomorrow I have installing huge heavy beams to look forward to.

In kitchen-based news, our early morning labours meant we had earned a proper breakfast, so we had some of my home-cured bacon. And then spent the rest of the day drinking all the water in the world. Even Mr B found it too salty, and he loves his salt.

There was also time to look at the moss in the sunshine. Every day should have a passtime like that in it.

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