It’s Better By Bus

What a day!

6:15am out of bed, shower, breakfast and a stroll to the bus stop. I got there in enough time to walk down into the town and catch it at the terminus. One bus to the Truro bus station then a second to Treliske Hospital. During the journey I had a nagging doubt that it was the wrong day.

I told the receptionist that I was either thirty minutes or six days early, as it turns out it was six days early. I walked round to see Clare and was back on my third bus within fifteen minutes of getting off the last one.

Back to Truro bus station, change buses, get off at Falmouth McDonalds, cross the road to Sainsbury’s, shop, back out, cross back to fourth bus and joy, it dropped me less than fifty metres from my front door.

I love my bus pass.

Today’s Blip photo is of my ‘surprise’ gift to us from us at Christmas.
“Not On The High Street”, highly recommended.

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