Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


We had an awful night - Henry has croup to top everything else up and kept breathing in an odd way - long pauses then almost"shivering". He woke up pretty happy considering his temperature was 38.9 but has been very clingy all day - thank god for my slings because it was the only way I could achieve anything today!

We made the most of the snow and got dressed up and went sledging after lunch/naptime. Henry wasn't sure to start with then really enjoyed himself. He loved the sledge, we only went up and down our cul-de-sac but he laughed the whole time. Once I'd let him out of the sledge I let him walk around in the snow to feel it crunching under his feet, videoing him just in time to see him fall over! He fell onto his knees then slid onto his face and I know I shouldn't have laughed but it was hilarious!

We had a bit of a scary trip to see the GP about Henry's breathing and about his eczema too, and came away with lots of different lotions and potions plus some steroids so hopefully they will work quickly and help his breathing.

I was meant to be going out with the girls tonight but I've cancelled because of the weather - the main roads are fine but I don't think I'd get out of our road. I did consider walking but would have had to get back ASAP if Henry wasn't well so decided it wasn't worth the stress. Not looking forward to trying to get to work on Monday!

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