Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

More tea?

Today's blip is Henry pouring me some tea this evening. I found some wooden fruit for him in Sainsbury's which has Velcro in the middle so he can "cut" it so he kept offering me half a banana too!

It was Henry's first parents evening tonight - he seems to have settled in well and is ahead with his speech and language, but slightly behind with his physical development which we knew already. They're going to try giving him more finger food and less mashed/puréed things to try to encourage him to eat, and have started bribing him with stickers to try and get him to eat which I'm skeptical about - I don't think at 18 months he understands the concept of being rewarded!

His cheeks were bright red this evening and slapped cheek has been going around the nursery so I wouldn't be surprised if he has it, to go with his snot and croupy cough. Poor boy. At least he's not at nursery tomorrow, we're going to have a snow day at home together and I can't wait!

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